It’s time to reboot and why

Stay Positive

It has been about three years since the first edition was launched, which was fairy successful and sold to multiple counties. Although we identified a huge demand for learning business model innovation at the time, we had to handle our lives and it has been difficult to allocate our time for the project. Thankfully, the demand for innovation has been ever increasing and I have worked on improving Stretch with my spare time since then.

On the surface, the pandemic we are facing now looks disturbing the opportunity to reboot, but I believe, and also McKinsey argues, it will be the opportunity for making innovations as we need them more than ever due to the uncertainty and the changes that have happened to our life and working style. Most of us have been forced to work remotely or have to work under new rules at least. I think it certainly made some negative impacts on our economy, but it also opened our minds to possible new life styles and working style. Whether you cope with the change or embrace it will make a big difference next several months or even years.

That change also will require many companies and industries to have new business models, but in a sense it is a good opportunity to make innovations and transform to be innovative. Stretch 2.0, the new version of the card game for business model innovation, will be helpful for exploring various possible business models. By playing the game, you will stretch your mind and unlock your creativity.

Stretch 2.0 - Business Model Innovation

This uses a card-game style as the format, but it just uses one of the ways to achieve our mission, and our bigger goal is to build the platform and the community to make us more creative and innovative through fun and play. So far, the card game is the representation of our direction containing all the key ingredients of our approach. If you are interested or share our vision, please go to the product page or contact us!