The number of players

2- 8 (More than four players are recommended. We have just not tried it with more than eight players, so please try if you have a chance to play with more people!)


Collaboratively make as many business models as you can and use all the cards in your hands.


Every player starts with five cards, and they are dealt face down. The rest of the cards are placed as a draw pile with the face down. If some of your players are not familiar with your business, giving its brief introduction would help other players to imagine what could be the business model. If you randomly play without a particular business in business, it would be good to set an imaginary business people can quickly think of, such as a flower shop and a food company.

Game Play

The first player is usually the player on the left side of the dealer (or it can be the youngest player), and the game play typically follows a clockwise direction. Every player views his or her cards. In each round, players collaboratively form a basic formation of a business model. The first player in a round put a card from his or her hands face-up, and describe what you think the business would be.  The next one cannot put a card with the same colour. He or she has to put a card with another colour and add a story of the business model fit with the cards. If you do not have other colours, you have to draw cards from a draw pile until you get one. Once you made a set of four colours, wrap up the discussion on the business model and put them aside to move to the next round. Keep playing until all the cards in your hands are used, and try to make as many business models as you can.


Trust other players’ imagination – If you cannot come up with a good story of a business model, put it with your courage. In many cases, the card you showed stimulates someone’s imagination one way or another!

Enjoy impossible combinations – Sometimes you feel some combinations of cards are practically impossible. However, it might be the moment you find innovative business model! Don’t worry about making an illogical business model, but encourage other players to discuss it and enjoy the possibility!

Advanced rules

1. Give a name to your business model – Every time you made a set of four colours, give the business model your original name. It makes it easier to remember what you create.

2. Combine multiple cards – some cards can be well connected even though they are the same colour (e.g., subscription and licence). Combine more than four cards to enrich the story of a business model!